Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Energy Pong Part 2

During the course of this week our group sent out our script and ideas to the rest of the class for review so that we might find ways to add things to the video to make it better or what to remove or change things in order to make a better video.

After getting some reviews we started to make changes to the script and we will start to assign roles to various people soon. The one problem is finding people who want to be in this movie, currently I have been talking with some of my freshmen friends to see if they would be willing to play small roles in the movie as well as giving us access to their dorm so we could shoot the movie in the setting where it will take place.

During the course of this coming week we will be working on finalizing the script (we just sent out another script for review) and the roles and if we can we will most likely begin shooting towards the end of the week or on the weekend.


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