Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pre-Competition Design

This week we received feedback regarding our design from milestone one. Because of some confusion we were given a one site layout and this week we began to fill in these blank lay out pages. The presentation tomorrow will contain a rough version of the site with the modifications from the first milestone incorporated.


This week I was responsible for creating the pre-competition kukui nut page. This page was to contain basic information. So I decided to have a top box that spanned the page and contained a description of the competition. Underneath that I decided to have 3 sections, one section devoted to describing the prizes that could be won from this competition, a picture of the dorms where the competition would be held and lastly a description of the scoring system of the competition. Hopefully this page will give people a feel of what the competition is all about and how to compete.

Admin 1.0:

The modifications to our milestone 1 site included a requirement for an admin page. The requirements for this page was that the admin should be able to edit any of the other pages as well as approve kukui nuts, commitments, events as well as user submitted tips. In order to do this efficiently I created a home admin page with all the editable options (all pages, kukui nuts, tips ect..) having its own link.

When the admin wants to edit a page, then he selects the page and the HTML code will pop up in a box where the admin can make changes to a page. I designed it this way since the admin most likely won't make structural changes to a site, but more likely weekly updates as well as additional links to movies or external sites.

When the admin clicks on the approve kukui nuts link he is taken to a page that contains a list of users and the actions and commitments they have completed. The admin then has the option to approve or reject the actions or commitments. If the action or commitment is approved then the action or commitment will show up in the users profile as well as the addition of kukui nuts to their current total. If the action or commitment is rejected then nothing will be displayed in the users profile and they will receive a notice of disapproval.

When the admin clicks on the approve commitments or approve user tips then they will be sent to a page that is similar to the approve kukui nuts page. Here the admin will have a listing of the user as well as the commitment or tip that they submitted. Again the admin has the choice to approve or reject these commitments or tips. If the commitments are approved then they will be displayed in the users profile. If the tip is approved then it will be added to the list that contains the weekly tips. Also kukui nuts may be awarded to the user. If the commitment is rejected then the user will receive a notification.

The admin also has the option to add or delete users from the competition. This is setup just in case if a user transfers from a competition dorm to a non-competition dorm or if a user moves in from a non-competition dorm to a competition dorm.

Lastly there is a page where the admin can edit those who will receive kukui nuts for attending certain events. On this page there is a header which describes the event, then underneath that the users will be displayed. The users displayed are then compared to a list of users that attended the event and the admin then approves or rejects users according to their attendance. On this page all of the past events that still have users waiting for approval will be displayed. Once an event has all of the users verified or rejected, then the header for that event will disappear.


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